Vector Search

SDK is specifically designed to provide powerful, flexible vector search. Pipelines are required to perform search. See Pipelines for more information about using Pipelines.

This section will assume we have previously ran the following code:

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const pipeline = pgml.newPipeline("test_pipeline", {
abstract: {
semantic_search: {
model: "intfloat/e5-small",
full_text_search: { configuration: "english" },
body: {
splitter: { model: "recursive_character" },
semantic_search: {
model: "hkunlp/instructor-base",
parameters: {
instruction: "Represent the Wikipedia document for retrieval: ",
const collection = pgml.newCollection("test_collection");
await collection.add_pipeline(pipeline);

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pipeline = Pipeline(
"abstract": {
"semantic_search": {
"model": "intfloat/e5-small",
"full_text_search": {"configuration": "english"},
"body": {
"splitter": {"model": "recursive_character"},
"semantic_search": {
"model": "hkunlp/instructor-base",
"parameters": {
"instruction": "Represent the Wikipedia document for retrieval: ",
collection = Collection("test_collection")

This creates a Pipeline that is capable of full text search and semantic search on the abstract and semantic search on the body of documents.

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const results = await collection.vector_search(
query: {
fields: {
body: {
query: "What is the best database?", parameters: {
"Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: ",
limit: 5,

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results = await collection.vector_search(
"query": {
"fields": {
"body": {
"query": "What is the best database?",
"parameters": {
"instruction": "Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: ",
"limit": 5,

Let's break this down. vector_search takes in a JSON object and a Pipeline. The JSON object currently supports two keys: query and limit . The limit limits how many chunks should be returned, the query specifies the actual query to perform. Let's see another more complicated example:

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const query = "What is the best database?";
const results = await collection.vector_search(
query: {
fields: {
abstract: {
query: query,
full_text_filter: "database"
body: {
query: query, parameters: {
"Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: ",
limit: 5,

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query = "What is the best database?"
results = await collection.vector_search(
"query": {
"fields": {
"abastract": {
"query": query,
"full_text_filter": "database",
"body": {
"query": query,
"parameters": {
"instruction": "Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: ",
"limit": 5,

The query in this example is slightly more intricate. We are doing vector search over both the abstract and body keys of our documents. This means our search may return chunks from both the abstract and body of our documents. We are also filtering out all abstract chunks that do not contain the text "database" we can do this because we enabled full_text_search on the abstract key in the Pipeline schema. Also note that the model used for embedding the body takes parameters, but not the model used for embedding the abstract.


We provide powerful and flexible arbitrarly nested filtering based off of MongoDB Comparison Operators. We support each operator mentioned except the $nin.

Vector search with $eq filtering

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const results = await collection.vector_search(
query: {
fields: {
body: {
query: "What is the best database?", parameters: {
"Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: ",
filter: {
user_id: {
$eq: 1
limit: 5,

content_copy link edit
results = await collection.vector_search(
"query": {
"fields": {
"body": {
"query": "What is the best database?",
"parameters": {
"instruction": "Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: ",
"filter": {"user_id": {"$eq": 1}},
"limit": 5,

The above query would filter out all chunks from documents that do not contain a key user_id equal to 1.

Vector search with $gte filtering

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const results = await collection.vector_search(
query: {
fields: {
body: {
query: "What is the best database?", parameters: {
"Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: ",
filter: {
user_id: {
$gte: 1
limit: 5,

content_copy link edit
results = await collection.vector_search(
"query": {
"fields": {
"body": {
"query": "What is the best database?",
"parameters": {
"instruction": "Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: ",
"filter": {"user_id": {"$gte": 1}},
"limit": 5,

The above query would filter out all documents that do not contain a key user_id with a value greater than or equal to 1.

Vector search with $or and $and filtering

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const results = await collection.vector_search(
query: {
fields: {
body: {
query: "What is the best database?", parameters: {
"Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: ",
filter: {
$or: [
$and: [
$eq: {
user_id: 1
$lt: {
user_score: 100
special: {
$ne: true
limit: 5,

content_copy link edit
results = await collection.vector_search(
"query": {
"fields": {
"body": {
"query": "What is the best database?",
"parameters": {
"instruction": "Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: ",
"filter": {
"$or": [
{"$and": [{"$eq": {"user_id": 1}}, {"$lt": {"user_score": 100}}]},
{"special": {"$ne": True}},
"limit": 5,

The above query would filter out all documents that do not have a key special with a value True or (have a key user_id equal to 1 and a key user_score less than 100).