Migrate with pg_dump

pg_dump is a command-line PostgreSQL tool that can move data between PostgreSQL databases. If you're planning a migration from your database to PostgresML, pg_dump is a good tool to get you going quickly.

Getting started

If your database is reasonably small (10 GB or less), you can just run pg_dump in one command:

pg_dump \
--no-owner \
--clean \
--no-privileges \
postgres://user:password@your-production-database.amazonaws.com/production_db | \
psql postgres://user:password@sql.cloud.postgresml.org:6432/your_pgml_db

This will take a few minutes, and once the command completes, all your data, including indexes, will be in your PostgresML database.

Migrating one table at a time

If your database is larger, you can split the migration into multiple steps, migrating one or more tables at a time.

pg_dump \
--no-owner \
--clean \
--no-privileges \
-t users \
-t orders \
postgres://user:password@your-production-database.amazonaws.com/production_db | \
psql postgres://user:password@sql.cloud.postgresml.org:6432/your_pgml_db