

A model is automatically deployed and used for predictions if its key metric (R2 for regression, F1 for classification) is improved during training over the previous version. Alternatively, if you want to manage deploys manually, you can always change which model is currently responsible for making predictions.


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project_name TEXT,
strategy TEXT DEFAULT 'best_score',


Parameter Example Description
project_name 'My First PostgresML Project' The name of the project used in pgml.train() and pgml.predict().
strategy 'rollback' The deployment strategy to use for this deployment.
algorithm 'xgboost' Restrict the deployment to a specific algorithm. Useful when training on multiple algorithms and hyperparameters at the same time.


There are 3 different deployment strategies available:

Strategy Description
most_recent The most recently trained model for this project is immediately deployed, regardless of metrics.
best_score The model that achieved the best key metric score is immediately deployed.
rollback The model that was deployed before to the current one is deployed.

The default deployment behavior allows any algorithm to qualify. It's automatically used during training, but can be manually executed as well:


Deploying the best score


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SELECT * FROM pgml.deploy(
'Handwritten Digit Image Classifier',
strategy => 'best_score'


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project | strategy | algorithm
Handwritten Digit Image Classifier | best_score | xgboost
(1 row)

Specific Algorithms

Deployment candidates can be restricted to a specific algorithm by including the algorithm parameter. This is useful when you're training multiple algorithms using different hyperparameters and want to restrict the deployment a single algorithm only:


content_copy link edit
SELECT * FROM pgml.deploy(
project_name => 'Handwritten Digit Image Classifier',
strategy => 'best_score',
algorithm => 'svm'


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project_name | strategy | algorithm
Handwritten Digit Image Classifier | classification | svm
(1 row)

Rolling Back

In case the new model isn't performing well in production, it's easy to rollback to the previous version. A rollback creates a new deployment for the old model. Multiple rollbacks in a row will oscillate between the two most recently deployed models, making rollbacks a safe and reversible operation.


content_copy link edit
SELECT * FROM pgml.deploy(
'Handwritten Digit Image Classifier',
strategy => 'rollback'


content_copy link edit
project | strategy | algorithm
Handwritten Digit Image Classifier | rollback | linear
(1 row)

Rollback again

Rollbacks are actually new deployments, so issuing two rollbacks in a row will leave you back with the original model, making rollback safely undoable.

content_copy link edit
SELECT * FROM pgml.deploy(
'Handwritten Digit Image Classifier',
strategy => 'rollback'


content_copy link edit
project | strategy | algorithm
Handwritten Digit Image Classifier | rollback | xgboost
(1 row)

Specific Model IDs

In the case you need to deploy an exact model that is not the most_recent or best_score, you may deploy a model by id. Model id's can be found in the pgml.models table.


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SELECT * FROM pgml.deploy(12);


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project | strategy | algorithm
Handwritten Digit Image Classifier | specific | xgboost
(1 row)