
The training function is at the heart of PostgresML. It's a powerful single mechanism that can create models for regression, classification or clustering tasks. It also facilitates preprocessing inputs and hyperparam search.


Most parameters are optional and have configured defaults. The project_name parameter is required and is an easily recognizable identifier to organize your work.

project_name TEXT,
relation_name TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
y_column_name TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
algorithm TEXT DEFAULT 'linear',
hyperparams JSONB DEFAULT '{}'::JSONB,
search_params JSONB DEFAULT '{}'::JSONB,
search_args JSONB DEFAULT '{}'::JSONB,
test_size REAL DEFAULT 0.25,
test_sampling TEXT DEFAULT 'random',
preprocess JSONB DEFAULT '{}'::JSONB


Parameter Example Description
project_name 'Search Results Ranker' An easily recognizable identifier to organize your work.
task 'regression' The objective of the experiment: regression, classification or cluster
relation_name 'public.search_logs' The Postgres table or view where the training data is stored or defined.
y_column_name 'clicked' The name of the label (aka "target" or "unknown") column in the training table.
algorithm 'xgboost'

The algorithm to train on the dataset, see the task specific pages for available algorithms:

hyperparams { "n_estimators": 25 } The hyperparameters to pass to the algorithm for training, JSON formatted.
search grid If set, PostgresML will perform a hyperparameter search to find the best hyperparameters for the algorithm. See hyperparameter-search for details.
search_params { "n_estimators": [5, 10, 25, 100] } Search parameters used in the hyperparameter search, using the scikit-learn notation, JSON formatted.
search_args { "n_iter": 10 } Configuration parameters for the search, JSON formatted. Currently only n_iter is supported for random search.
test_size 0.25 Fraction of the dataset to use for the test set and algorithm validation.
test_sampling random Algorithm used to fetch test data from the dataset: random, first, or last.
preprocess {"col_name": {"impute": "mean", scale: "standard"}} Preprocessing steps to impute NULLS, encode categoricals and scale inputs. See data-pre-processing for details.
SELECT * FROM pgml.train(
project_name => 'My Classification Project',
task => 'classification',
relation_name => 'pgml.digits',
y_column_name => 'target'

This will create a "My Classification Project", copy the pgml.digits table into the pgml schema, naming it pgml.snapshot_{id} where id is the primary key of the snapshot, and train a linear classification model on the snapshot using the target column as the label.

When used for the first time in a project, pgml.train() function requires the task parameter, which can be either regression or classification. The task determines the relevant metrics and analysis performed on the data. All models trained within the project will refer to those metrics and analysis for benchmarking and deployment.

The first time it's called, the function will also require a relation_name and y_column_name. The two arguments will be used to create the first snapshot of training and test data. By default, 25% of the data (specified by the test_size parameter) will be randomly sampled to measure the performance of the model after the algorithm has been trained on the 75% of the data.

SELECT * FROM pgml.train(
'My Classification Project',
algorithm => 'xgboost'

Future calls to pgml.train() may restate the same task for a project or omit it, but they can't change it. Projects manage their deployed model using the metrics relevant to a particular task (e.g. r2 or f1), so changing it would mean some models in the project are no longer directly comparable. In that case, it's better to start a new project.


If you'd like to train multiple models on the same snapshot, follow up calls to pgml.train() may omit the relation_name, y_column_name, test_size and test_sampling arguments to reuse identical data with multiple algorithms or hyperparameters.