Semantic Search Using Instructor Model

This tutorial demonstrates using the pgml SDK to create a collection, add documents, build a pipeline for vector search, make a sample query, and archive the collection when finished. In this tutorial we use hkunlp/instructor-base, a more advanced embeddings model that takes parameters when doing embedding and recall.

Link to full JavaScript implementation

Link to full Python implementation

Imports and Setup

The SDK is imported and environment variables are loaded.

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const pgml = require("pgml");

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from pgml import Collection, Pipeline
from datasets import load_dataset
from time import time
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from rich.console import Console
import asyncio

Initialize Collection

A collection object is created to represent the search collection.

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const main = async () => { // Open the main function, we close it at the bottom
// Initialize the collection
const collection = pgml.newCollection("qa_collection");

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async def main(): # Start the main function, we end it after archiving
console = Console()
# Initialize collection
collection = Collection("squad_collection")

Create Pipeline

A pipeline encapsulating a model and splitter is created and added to the collection.

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// Add a pipeline
const pipeline = pgml.newPipeline("qa_pipeline", {
text: {
splitter: { model: "recursive_character" },
semantic_search: {
model: "intfloat/e5-small",
await collection.add_pipeline(pipeline);

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# Create and add pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline(
"text": {
"splitter": {"model": "recursive_character"},
"semantic_search": {
"model": "hkunlp/instructor-base",
"parameters": {
"instruction": "Represent the Wikipedia document for retrieval: "
await collection.add_pipeline(pipeline)

Upsert Documents

Documents are upserted into the collection and indexed by the pipeline.

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// Upsert documents, these documents are automatically split into chunks and embedded by our pipeline
const documents = [
id: "Document One",
text: "PostgresML is the best tool for machine learning applications!",
id: "Document Two",
text: "PostgresML is open source and available to everyone!",
await collection.upsert_documents(documents);

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# Prep documents for upserting
data = load_dataset("squad", split="train")
data = data.to_pandas()
data = data.drop_duplicates(subset=["context"])
documents = [
{"id": r["id"], "text": r["context"], "title": r["title"]}
for r in data.to_dict(orient="records")
# Upsert documents
await collection.upsert_documents(documents[:200])


A vector similarity search query is made on the collection.

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// Perform vector search
const query = "What is the best tool for building machine learning applications?";
const queryResults = await collection.vector_search(
query: {
fields: {
text: { query: query }
}, limit: 1
}, pipeline);

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# Query for answer
query = "Who won more than 20 grammy awards?"
console.print("Querying for context ...")
start = time()
results = await collection.vector_search(
"query": {
"fields": {
"text": {
"query": query,
"parameters": {
"instruction": "Represent the Wikipedia question for retrieving supporting documents: "
"limit": 5,
end = time()
console.print("\n Results for '%s' " % (query), style="bold")
console.print("Query time = %0.3f" % (end - start))

Archive Collection

The collection is archived when finished.

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await collection.archive();
} // Close the main function

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await collection.archive()
# The end of the main function


Boilerplate to call main() async function.

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main().then(() => console.log("Done!"));

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if __name__ == "__main__":